The PSR crew can now shuttle customers as a shelter and other service centers, and if the situation is required, you can respond with the police and fires.
Portland, Olain-Portland Mayor Keith Wilson, the market, announced the expansion as a Portland street response on Thursday, allowing PSR crew members to respond to more places, police or fires, co-response to a particular phone, and the crisis in the shelter or other service centers.
The program is an alternative response option for those who are experiencing behavioral health or drug -related crises in 2021, and sent mental health experts and fellow support experts as emergencies for emergencies handled by police, fire or ambulance crew.
This idea is to provide a customized response that is likely to have a positive result for people in crisis and secure police and fire resources for more serious calls. If the phone is noticeable to block the armed, violence, suicide, traffic, or involves invading the interior, the dispatch will not send PSR.
In accordance with the new policy of Wilson, which is described in the press release, PSR crews can respond to the calls of “unlocked public places” such as government building lobby, restaurants and groceries only during regular business hours. They still cannot respond to places such as private houses, apartment lobby and public transportation.
The PSR can also “jointly respond” to the calls that police or fire brigades handled exclusively. Depending on the situation, the dispatch may immediately call the PSR with another first respondent or send it if the first respondent has already requested the first response.
Finally, PSR crews can provide shuttle services to customers who need to arrive at the shelter, food food storage room, cold center or other service location. The crew can also prepare a taxi or provide a bus pass if customers prefer.
Wilson said in a statement that “Portland Street Response is a success story, and expanding its function was a major campaign promise.” “These new policies can shuttle individuals at risks for services, including shelters, recovery services, and day centers for life, etc. Our dedicated PSR team is completely implemented. If these changes are completely implemented, PSR staff can respond to more phone types and connect more individuals to the most necessary help.”
The press release says that the new policy will enter into force immediately, but it will actually be delayed. PSR also said, “We look forward to continuing to cooperate with labor partners to implement these policies as soon as possible.”
PSR faced funding issues and disputes in Portland’s administrative structure, but nevertheless, the long -term goal of 24/7 services is still not realized, but in Portland’s administrative structure, we faced financing issues and disputes, but we have faced funding problems and disputes in Portland’s administrative structure.