The patient says that a patient who prescribes drugs for exercise disorders, including an unstable leg syndrome (RLS), says the doctor has not warned of serious side effects.
Twenty women said in the BBC that the drugs given to them for RLS can cause urge to ruin their lives.
The BBC’s report from the Drugs company GSK showed that in 2003, the relationship between drugs, known as dopamine agent drugs, and what was described as “heterogeneous” sexual behavior. It cited the case of a man who sexually assaulted a child while taking drugs for Parkinson’s disease.
There is no explicit mention of this side effect in the patient complex, but the British drug regulator General warning,,, external About increased sexual desire and harmful behavior. GSK says that the danger of “changed” sexual interest is mentioned in the flyers.
Some women, who described the descriptions that are attracted to dangerous sexual behaviors, say they have no cause. Others said they were forced to gambling or shopping without such activities. One has accumulated more than £ 150,000 debt.
Like many women, Claire developed RL for the first time during pregnancy. The need to constantly move was often accompanied by crawling without falling asleep under the skin.
This state continued after giving birth, and she was prescribed a dopamine agent drug. She says she hasn’t warned her about side effects. She first worked amazing about her RL, but after a year she began to feel unprecedented sexual urge.
“The only way I can explain it is that it is just a breakdown.”