If you can reduce your training time while delivering the results, I would like to say that this is a victory. In this way, we can be careful to many other tasks in the list of lists without sacrificing profits. installation research Performing a super set can still shorten the training time. Muscle size improvement It is the same as the traditional straight set.
Super set is A Muscle training Here, the two different practice sets are continuously performed, almost or at all. Super sets are considered to be higher intensity -type resistance or muscle training.
If you still need to listen to more research to persuade the super set, read it while dealing with the latest research. Super sets are what many superheroes do and are busy and carved actors playing on the silver screen.

Systematically examine Meta -analysis has been announced Sports medicineResearchers wanted to compare the super set. Traditional resistance training The set affects the affected metabolism and mechanical results. Researchers saw a variety of super sets in 19 research and meta -analysis, including 313 participants.

Researchers found:
- The super set caused a higher blood lactic acid concentration during and after training.
- The super set greatly shortened the training time, allowing the participants to maintain the similar number and volume compared to the traditional resistance training set.
- There was no significant difference between the traditional resistance training set and the super set regarding the maximum strength, hypertrophy or endurance.
- The antagonist super set refers to a super set that uses the opposite muscle groups that are opposite to the other side, such as biceps and triceps in one swoop. Through the antagonist super set, the participants were able to complete more representatives, and the same muscle group super set was reduced by volume compared to traditional resistance training.
Take home

Takehome is to reduce the training period with a super set to build the same muscles as a traditional set. In this meta -analysis, researchers pointed out that super sets can improve training efficiency, but lead to higher internal loads and recognized efforts.
Super sets can make exercise more efficient, but should be considered more metabolic stress on the body. People usually recognize that focus sets are more difficult. This can mean that it takes more time to recover after the super set. Some fitness professionals and power lifters are recommended to integrate traditional resistance education sets and super sets into everyday life for optimal results.