Top line
Texas’s onset of measles has been infected with more than 250 people as of Friday, an infectious disease found in 15 states and has already exceeded the total number of measles reported in 2024.
18 people who were sick with virus were hospitalized.
Main fact
Texas State Department Health Service Reported The onset of measles increased to 259 cases as of Friday, 34 of the patients were admitted, and one child was confirmed to have been killed by illness.
The Texas Health Bureau said that only two cases of vaccinations are vaccinated, and the rest of the 257 sick patients have vaccinations or vaccinations.
The CDC reported that by this year, about 301 cases in the United States surpassed 285 measles in 2024.
In New Mexico, the second highest measles in this country, LEA County has 33 people a week. 35 Confirmation Measles CaseIt is about 47 miles from Gainz County, Texas, and most of Texas’s measles was detected.
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Where is measles in Texas?
About 174 measles are located in the Gaines County, a rural area about an hour and a half west of LubBock. The remaining events include Terry County (36), Dawson County (11), Yoakum County (11), Dallam County (6), Martin County (3) It is in County (2). Measles, which are not related to the greater occurrence of Texas West Texas, include examples of Harris County (2), Lockewal County (1) and Travis County (1).
What are the age groups that affect measles in Texas?
About 115 cases were among the people aged 5-17, and 86 cases were reported among adults over the age of 18 among children aged 4 and 46. The age of 12 patients was not mentioned.
Is there any occurrence in another state?
Yes, it occurs in New Mexico 35 cases It is reported that 33 of them are in the LEA County on the border with Texas. 1 ~ 9 cases from outside Texas and New Mexico Reported by CDC California, Washington, Alaska, Georgia, Kentucky, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Vermont, New Jersey, New York and Road Island. Kansas’s health officials who are not indicated in the measles tracker of CDC Reported The measles of the Stevens County residents on Thursday will display the first measles in the state since 2018.
What is measles symptoms?
Measles include heat, rash, coughing, fatigue, runny nose and red neck. Symptoms do not appear for 10 to 14 days after someone exposed to the virus and may appear late until 21 days after exposure.
How infectious is measles?
According to the CDC, measles can be contagious and can spread to nine out of 10 people close to one person. According to the CDC, people infected with measles can spread to others four days before the rash appear. Measles may remain on the air and surface for up to two hours after a cough, sneezing and infected surface and infected people leave the given area.
What is the separate protocol for measles?
People infected with measles should be separated for 4 days after the rash occurs, and the day of the rash is considered zero.
Is there a measles vaccine?
Yes Very effective and safeAccording to CDC. Measles, pandemic, and rubella vaccines that can be used in over half a century are about 97% for preventing measles with standard 2 doses and 93% at doses. Vaccines are generally provided to people when they are children, one dose is administered between 12 and 15 months, and the other is administered between 4-6 years. Vaccines usually provide long -term or lifelong protection. Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of infectious disease at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, has no problem in obtaining vaccine if he is not convinced of vaccination. NPR. The NPR said that adults who were born after 1957 and were vaccinated before 1968 should consider review.
What did RFK JR. say about measles and vaccines?
After claiming that the outbreak was “unusual,” Kennedy changed his position on March 3 and considered “serious”. name “Texas’s reclamation is a call for behavioral guidance to reaffirm our devotion to public health.” Kennedy, A VaccineThe vaccine contributed to the exemption of the community, but did not explicitly instructed people to be vaccinated, and mentioned that “the decision of vaccination is a personal decision.” He also supported the use of vitamin A under the supervision of a doctor, causing concerns among health professionals who were careful about the effects of vitamins by treating mild, moderate and serious infections. SUE KRESSLY, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Washington Post Depending only on vitamin A instead of MMR vaccine is “dangerous and inefficient,” and it can cause children to be dangerous. Too many vitamin A can cause serious health problems, including liver damage. Meanwhile, the defense of the non -profit child health defense founded by RFK JR. Quote Luke argued that “it is meaningless until we change the MMR vaccine campaign to literally turn into a neurological damaged nightmare.”
Important quotation
According to the Texas state -owned health service, “due to the high characteristics of this disease, additional cases are likely to occur in the onset area and the community of the surrounding communities.
Main background
The onset of measles in Texas began in late January and the largest virus in the state in 30 years. Texas Health Bureau report 5.64%of Texas kindergarten students did not receive a vaccine of 2.34%of the 7th grade student vaccination in the 2023-2024 school year, which did not receive measles. Measles were completely removed from the United States in 2000. Disease Control and Prevention CenterThe virus was not spreading in the country, and the new case was only from people who contracted overseas measles and returned to the United States in 2024, and a total of 285 measles were reported in 33 states.
Additional reading
In the United States, measles are increasing. Do adults need a vaccine booster? (NPR)