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When I started writing about sports science 20 years ago, advice on fuel supply was simple. The goal was to eat about 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour to preserve the limited supply of carbohydrates stored in the muscles and liver. It would be theoretically better to see how many carbohydrate runners should spend to maximize performance. However, studies have shown that it is impossible to absorb more than the intestine from the stomach.
Science has evolved mainly since then. Carbohydrate mixing of other types A specific ratio (such as glucose and fructose) enables higher absorption speeds. Current recommendations Although he boarded 90 grams per hour, he suggested that the recent research can be used. 120 grams per hour-The best athletes in Sutra Ning, cycling and other sports are much higher.
Unlike all this, the new study provided the topic to 10 grams of carbohydrates per hour and claims that this is everything you need. This is amazing and opposed, and I do not suggest that you should swallow it perfect. But it’s a great opportunity to stop carbohydrate enthusiasts for a while and take a closer look at the basic evidence and family of “better” views.
A new study has been published (and You can read it for free)at American Physiology Journal -Cell Physiology By a researcher at several universities led by Philip Prins and Andrew Koutnik. The main purpose is to compare endurance performance in the 10 -trained triathles trained according to the diet or low -carbetotenic diet with many standard carbohydrates. It is a complicated and long -term debate (I most recently written 2020) I will not go here, except that I did not see a big difference in the endurance test that lasts about 90 minutes after 6 weeks of diet.
More interesting here is the racial carbohydrate supplement test. All subjects performed endurance tests in the second round in each diet. One is a carbohydrate drink every 20 minutes and a total of 10 grams of carbohydrates per hour, and the other is a placebo drink without carbohydrates. On average, the players lasted 22 % longer with carbohydrate drinks regardless of any diet. It is a big improvement. As long as possible at a predetermined speed, time tests that match as long as they are different from races, but this improvement is 1 ~ 2 % faster in the race.
The reason why they chose such a small amount of carbohydrates is that there is one of the research authors who are South African scientist Tim Noakes. I believe now We misunderstood the role of carbohydrates in the race. Traditional views are to drink carbohydrates so that muscles do not drop in muscles from glycogen, which is a form of carbohydrate storing carbohydrates. NOAKES’s view is that glycogen is not important, and the actual advantage is to prevent blood sugar collisions. This is a brain -centered view of endurance. Keeping the blood sugar is convinced that everything is fine in the brain. Therefore, the muscles, which were not in danger of carbohydrates, fell into pump.
If blood sugar is important, we do not need to choke a large amount of carbohydrates. There is only a small drink in glucose that circulates blood flow at a given moment. Missing the study of Prins and Koutnik is an explicit test for higher carbohydrate doses. Whether we deceive the brain so that 10 grams per hour maintains blood sugar or simply thinks the fuel is coming. Shake and spit out sports drinks in your mouth.). But we don’t know if 30 grams was better or worse.
On the other hand, you can imagine that the existing perspective (better the more evidence) of carbohydrate demand is supported. And you will be right. However, in all studies showing that NOAKES shows that the depletion of muscle glycogen corresponds to the fall of performance. also There was a hypoglycemia. We saw the wrong variables from his point of view and drawed wrong conclusions. This claim repercuses NOAKES ‘ CriticismThe study is that they did not distinguish the dehydration and thirsty feeling. From his point of view, dehydration is important just to be a problem when the neck is dry.
At this point, discussions are very complicated by duel interpretation of the fine details of decades of research. But the simplest test without getting lost in physiology is to ask about the consequences we actually care about. Do you have better performance to take a higher number of carbohydrates? When digging into this capacity-response literature, the result is not as clear as what I expected.
Here is one of the main papers. 2013 Study In Gatorade Sports Science Institute (who, I am sure you don’t have to point out as you think that more carbohydrates are better). The 54 bikers and the triathlon have completed a series of tests consisting of two -hour hard cycling and 20 kilometers of time tests, and consumed 0 to 120 grams of carbohydrates in 10 grams per hour. result :

This paper describes this relationship as a “curved dose-reaction relationship.” More carbohydrates are better at first, but with the most capacity, more carbohydrates are more likely to hurt. The sweet point that optimizes performance in this data is 78g of carbohydrates per hour, which matches the idea of 60-90 grams the right range.
But take a look at the data again. Performance is the worst at 0 or 10 grams. It’s a little better at 20 grams. Explaining these three data is difficult to see evidence of more than 30 grams of dose-reaction relationship. It is definitely not a powerful demonstration that 60 grams is better than 30 grams, which has the advantage of increasing 90 grams or 120 grams.
More than 60 grams of more than 60 grams of modern carbohydrates This 2018 Study From researchers at Leeds Beckett University. Ten subjects tested a 30 -minute time test after testing 0, 60, 75, 90 and 112.5 grams of carbohydrates per hour for two hours cycling. The average power output of the time trial is as follows.

From this, you can conclude that 90 grams is actually the best way. It is still not decisive. The placebo option with no carbohydrates is clearly the worst option, but it’s not far from the 75 gram results, and there’s no data to compare with the low dose. How did you ride your blood sugar constant, but in order not to preserve the muscle glycogen of your legs, but how was it far away from 20 grams per hour?
Personally, I find it hard to believe that muscle glycogen is not important. Even if we don’t stop because the glycogen tank is empty evidence When the muscles are partially depleted, we start to slow down. Just as NOAKES suggests blood sugar, the brain can monitor glycogen levels and get performance again when the fuel level falls.
Whether it means a large carbohydrate dose, such as 120 grams per hour, is a different question. The scientific data I posted above does not seem to be overwhelmingly convincing. The actual experience of the elite athlete is much more convincing and the evidence must be taken seriously. I would like to see a better capacity-reaction data that clearly shows what happens in the entire range between 0 to 120 grams per hour. But these are difficult studies, so we have adhered to the golden rules of training and sports science. Try a few different approaches and see the best thing for you.
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