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Seven foods with high creaatin to improve performance from nutritionists

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Creatine, a substance that supplies energy to cells in our muscles, is a very popular supplement for exercise. You may be used to seeing the spread of jar or shaking in a blender disease, but creatine is found in other foods and even synthesized by our bodies.

If you are doing fitness, you probably have heard about all other hacking to increase your interests. In addition to ordinary protein powder, creatine is probably one of the most popular supplements.

Creatine is a ritual before or after exercise for amateur gym attendees and experienced athletes. And that’s not just for men. Women can also benefit from creatine. #GYMTOK has a lot of fitness influence that praises creatin powder to build muscles, and can strengthen mental energy to improve endurance and even strengthen kinetic energy. If you enter vitamins and supplementary shops, you can find dozens of options and are not cheap.

But most people get enough creatine by actually eating a balanced diet. These natural creatin and other essential nutrients are often overlooked, but good for you.

Before spraying new bottles of powdered stuff, add more or more food rich in creations.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a natural compound of the body that contributes to the energy production of the body, and Natalie Rizzo is speaking by Natalie Rizzo, a nutritionist and nutrition editor.

We get creatine from food. Mainly protein -rich animal products, the body also produces creatine itself. It is synthesized from three amino acids: arginine, glycin and methionine.

“Creatine is a natural energy source. We make half in the liver, kidneys and pancreas, and we get the other half from the food we eat.” France Largeman-Roth I say today.

Most of this creatine will be moved to the skeletal muscle to help to contract by providing steady energy supply during physical activity. According to the Cleveland Clinic. The rest of the creatin goes to another part of the brain, heart and body.

Creatine is also provided with supplementary supplements provided in powder, pills or liquid forms.

Creatine benefits

Creatine plays an important role in our health. It can help you get enough creatine.

  • Improvement of performance
  • Improves recovery
  • Increase the strength
  • It supports brain function

Rizzo said, “Creatine is mostly studied for the advantage of exercise performances.

“Creatine can improve performance in the gym by replenishing ATP.

Cells in our muscles use creatine to increase the demand for muscles, especially during high intensity exercises. Bargeman-Roth said, “This is particularly beneficial for activities that require short energy rupture. Box jump, listen or sprint.

According to Rizzo, creatin also shows that it also improves aerobic ability or improves the body’s ability to efficiently use oxygen as well as muscle recovery. Rizzo said, “This can help you to exercise longer without tired quickly.

Creatine can help muscle strength with regular exercise and protein intake. “It can help your body Make muscles More efficiently, ”Largeman-Roth is added.

Exercise is a micro tower from muscle fibers, so the body becomes more and more muscle due to repair and reconstruction. Creatine can help these tears heal. Cleveland Clinic.

Creatine is also an important compound for the brain. Suggestion in the study Creatine can help to maintain the energy level of the brain, reduce mental fatigue, and protect it from cognitive decline.

How much creatine do you need?

Rizzo said, “The amount is controversial. There is no daily intake or dose for creatine.

An ordinary person who eats a balanced omnivorous diet usually obtains about 1-3 grams of creatin a day.

Our daily creation supply (1-2 grams) comes from about half food. Liver, kidney and pancreas synthesis can produce about 1 gram of creatin per day, and According to Mayo Clinic.

To replenish this supply, you need to eat foods that offer this amount of creatine a day.

Creatine -rich food

Creatine’s best food source is meat, fish and poultry. Rizzo says that dairy and eggs contain some creatine.

There are no plant sources of creatine, but many vegetable foods contain amino acids that have a body of creatin. Therefore, it is important to eat a balanced diet filled with vegetables, beans, whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Rizzo says Rizzo says it is difficult to determine the exact creation content of food, because it is not listed in the nutritional label or the US agricultural nutrient database. Rizzo said, “Studies show a variety of money in various types of meat.

Foods with high creatine are as follows.


Often, the herring, a small oily fish that smokes or pickles, is one of the best natural food sources of Creatine you can find. Research show The herring contains about 3-4.5 grams of creatine per pound, which is about 1 g per serving.

Rich and fatty fish are cheap seafood options rich in other nutrients. Protein of 20 grams of cooked herring packs, vitamin D, A and B12, minerals and omega -3 fatty acids. USDA Nutrient Database.


If you’re looking for creatine content, pork is another great option with this compound, experts say. Raw pork 1 pound It contains about 2.3 grams of creatin and a single serving pack is about 0.5-1 grams.

4 ounce serving Baked porkFor example, it contains more than 27 grams of protein and is also packed in potassium, vitamin B6 and coenzyme Q10 or Coq10.


Another excellent source of creatine is beef, but the amount of creatine and other nutrients can vary depending on meat cutting. In general, 1 pounds of beef contain about 2 grams of creatine, which comes out at about 0.5-1 grams per serving.

In addition to the creation, 3 ounces of dry ripy steaks provide 25 grams of protein as well as iron, zinc, selenium, vitamins and other nutrients. According to USDA.


Salmon is a nutritious superstar for various reasons. Protein, omega -3 fatty acids and good sources of vitamins can support healthy hearts and brains. Research show Salmon is also rich in creatin and packs about 2 grams per pound or about 0.5 grams of creatine per single serving.

Baked Wild Coho Salmon 3 ounces contain creatine and 22 grams of protein and large amounts of vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium and cholin. According to USDA.


According to Largeman-Roth, the taste of Gamey Lamb is another great source of Creatine. Lamb from the amount offers a significant amount of creatine.

The amount of raw 1 pounds provides about 1-2 grams of creatine, about 0.5 grams per single serving. Lamb is also a other essential nutrient, such as excellent sources of protein and B vitamins and iron.


Daegu is a light and peeled fish that you want to increase your creatine intake but not a fan of red meat. One pound of primitive cod contains 1.4 grams of creatine and is about 0.35 grams per serving. COD is also a complete protein and is rich in omega -3 fatty acids and other nutrients.


Largeman-Roth says that chicken has a smaller amount of creation than red meat and fish.

One 6 ounce raw chicken breast offers about 0.3 grams of creatine. The juice of the bone chicken is rich in creatin Research showS, save them and use them for nutrients rich and delicious sauce or gravies.

Who needs creatine supplements?

Bargeman-Roth says that people who do not get enough creatin from diet, such as vegan and vegetarians, can benefit from supplements.

The general recommendation is to take 3-5 grams of creatin a day. Many athletes take more capacity supplements, but this may not be necessary, Rizzo says.

Bargeman-Roth said, “If you eat a lot of meat and fish on your diet, don’t waste money.

Patients with kidney disease, liver disease or diabetes should not take creatine. Always consult your doctor before trying new supplements or changing your diet.

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