Scientists have confirmed new competitors at cockroach milk, a superfood category. Studies have shown that the milk of the Pacific Occupation Cockroach (Diploptera Punctata) can cause three times more nutritious and food scientists than cosmetic milk.
According to a 2016 study published in the Journal of International Crystal, the company analyzed the fluid like milk produced by the Women’s Pacific beetle and supplied to the descendants. Researchers found that materials are crystallized inside the young cockroaches and are rich in protein, amino acids and healthy sugar.
According to The Independent, this study contains three times the calorie milk calories in cockroach milk and was previously regarded as the most calorized mammalian milk.
Despite the impressive nutritional profile, cockroach milk is not yet used for human consumption, and the production problem is the main barrier. But scientists think that it can play a role in future food innovation as a sustainable and nutritious alternative.
Like all superfoods, experts warn that cockroach milk should complement a balanced diet rather than replacing traditional healthy eating habits.