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Textile for weight loss: Tip and actual success stories

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Let’s combine two truths and a quick game: dietary fiber is not important. Most people lack fiber. And fiber helps to lose weight. To listen to more nutrition truth, learn how to easily use weak fiber tools for weight loss. Also, check out the success stories of fiber -related weight loss that inspires a woman!

What is the fiber?

The fiber is less than three large amounts of nutrients of protein, fat and carbohydrates. It is a unique type of carbohydrate nutrient that our body cannot absorb. Therefore, the fiber part of the food does not provide calories to the number of calories every day. However, this humble Korean food is an amazing thing to relieve digestion, control craving, and improve weight loss. Problem: Up to 97 %of Americans say that they lack fiber, revealing OB-GYN. Mary Claire HAVER, MDauthor Gallery Ston Diet.

Why are people lacking in fiber?

There are two main factors in modern society that leads textile defects. Americans eat less full foods such as fiber fruits, vegetables and beans, and super -treated grains such as cookies and crackers (cookies and crackers). Food manufacturers often remove plant fibers Extend the expiration date of food at groceries in processed products. It also increases the amount of sugar to improve the taste of processed products.

“We have a new metabolic health crisis… Too many sugar; Too little fiber. ” -Robert Lustig, MD

Food without fiber causes confusion in our health.

“We have a health crisis Robert Lustig, MDauthor Metabolism. He points out that 45 %of adults suffer from fatty liver disease, 50 %of diabetes or pre -diabetic patients, 65 %are overweight or obese. And how did we reach this healthy condition? Dr. Lustig, an alum of MIT and CORNELL, says: “It can be summarized in two concepts. Too many sugar; Too little fiber. ”

These two movements mimic fiber and add sugar to the diet, causing unprecedented damage to health and back racing. Dr. Lustig explains: “Sugar causes fatty liver, insulin resistance and chronic diseases. Lack of fiber means that sugar is immediately absorbed and causes inflammation and more chronic diseases. ”

How to improve the fiber in the diet?

How many fibers do we need?

Now for good news. If fiber deficiency harms our health, eating more fibers can help you turn things. In fact, everyone benefits from eating less processed foods and fiber -rich foods. How many fibers are needed? The RDA of the fiber is 25 grams for women every day. The guideline does not specify whether it should be out of the availability or insoluble fiber source. However, some experts advise that about 25 %of the daily textile total should come out of the availability source such as psyllium, beans and oats.

Fiber -rich foods are in the countertop

5 methods that use fibers in weight loss journey

Consider other powerful mechanisms when consuming delicious fiber -rich foods.

The fiber cuts craving and makes people full of people

Thought: Big salad, bean chili bowl, abundant help of oatmeal. This food is naturally filled without adding empty calories. Reaching fiber -rich snacks and meals is a wise weight loss strategy that will help you not overeat.

Fiber improves digestion rules

There are two main types of fibers that function differently inside the body. Insoluble It is not melted in the water, so it remains to be loose stool or diarrhea. (Tong grains, nuts, seeds and fresh produce belong to this category.) Soluble fiber It is dissolved in water and transformed into a gel, and the waste moves smoothly through the system to relieve constipation. (Oats, tooth seeds and psyllium husk husk well and gel in liquids.) This second type can reduce painful ships and remove trapped waste that adds unwanted pounds and inches to the frame. (Learn how Remember psyllium Other types of fiber, such as weight loss and resistance starch, can also help.)

Fiber prevents blood sugar spikes

It can be helpful to enjoy vegetable foods, especially as appetizers. Put the blood sugar spike It is often caused by the rich carbohydrate that follows. how? The fiber is coated with the lining of the intestine and the sugar is more slowly absorbed by the blood flow. This is popular Blood sugar hacking tip In Georgetown University Training Biochemistry Jessie Inshauspé, It is also known The goddess of the glucose, It is to help women continue to reach their levels and reach weight loss goals.

Fibers promote healthy intestinal bacteria

Fibers of many foods work like a prebiotick that supplies our healthy intestinal bacteria. This allows many cells and biochemical changes to support and promote healthy weight loss. Another advantage: When our best bowl bugs thrive, bad, damaged bugs are crowded in the intestines, reducing the risk of inflammation, Leaking leaking syndrome You can induce unwanted weight gain.

Fibers can reduce fat storage

I heard how ordinary fibers can fill up and make fullness. However, a new supplement containing a special manipulated fiber Monchi Monchi There is a slight winding sound in the world of weight loss. Fibers partially created by Dr. Lustig are described as 3D microspone that absorbs sugar in our system. that It has been proven to keep blood sugar stably.Prevents fat storage.

One woman, Rossi Goin, shares her before and after a 65 -pound weight loss success.
Rossi Goin photo

Textile success story: “It fell from the size of 16 to 6!”

It was uncomfortable to carry an additional pound as I grew up in the southwest. Rossi goin. The skin of the legs will be kicked out of the heat. “I became a wall. I was self -conscious when it fell. ” Everything changed in the morning she realized. I have no right clothes.

Over the years, Rossi attempted all fashionable diets without continuous success. But when she knew how processed food made her overeat, there was a turning point. As an experiment, she focused on cutting off the packaged rates, eating more protein, fiber fruits and vegetables, and drinking more water. She spilled 50 pounds and felt more calm and more control. “I knew there was a life between the meals. I no longer needed grazing. ”

Rossi continued to try to improve the intestinal health. She learned grains rich in fiber like corn bran. She spilled another £ 15 and “reconstructed” her body. She traded 16 clothes of size for 6 seconds. “I found a real size!” Since then, Rossi has maintained weight loss for many years with mediation and exercise. now American without processing The supporters say: “Life is better at any time. I feel younger and more alive! ”

This content cannot be replaced by professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your doctor before pursuing a treatment plan..

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