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Time change is here. The adjustment method is as follows. NPR

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Like many Americans, Josh Lucas, a resident of the Pittsburgh region, hopes that time will not change.

Lucas said, “You adapt to the way of existence, and suddenly the sky is different colors, Lucas said,” Lucas said.

And it is not always easy to continue to function normally. In fact, most sleep researchers and clinical trials say that over time changes are not good for our health over spring.

On the end of the time change, the state sees a higher incidence rate. Car accident,,, Stroke and Heart attack.

There are more things Deadly overdose and suicide. People suffer more migraine And there is a greater danger Injured at work.

one study Even IVF patients have found that they are more likely to experience voluntary pregnancy losses only if they were previously aborted.

These results make sense Brant HaslerSleep and one -cycle researcher at the University of Pittsburgh. He says that when the clock goes forward, not only our sleep, but also the rhythm.

One cycle rhythm exists in almost all cells of the body. Hasler compares it to the orchestra of the clock, and the conductor instructs it in the hypothalamus, which is a small area in the center of the brain. This clock orchestra Multiple hormones.

And if you switch from the standard to daylight saving time, the clock, like a jet delay, will squeeze the clock to make you annoyed and tired.

Since our one -cycle rhythm is synchronized with the sun, it is difficult to warn in the daytime because there is little light in the morning and more in the evening, and it is difficult to sleep at night. Therefore, some say they are sleeping during sunlight saving compared to standards. Dr. Indie La Guru BargatulaA person who specializes in sleep medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Gurubhagavatula told NPR that people usually felt that they usually returned to normal after a week after email to NPR. But he warned that time changes sometimes caused chronic sleeping problems that lasted for months.

“Most people in the United States are already sleeping, so one hour of sleep is suddenly lost, especially painful,” she says.

Gurubhagavatula and Hasler are opposed to effort Abolish the standard time and save the clock when saving daylight.

Daylight saving time violates hundreds of thousands of years of human biology.

“It’s reasonable to stick to that point rather than trying monkeys about monkeys,” he says.

Who has the most influence?

Time change affects everyone, but it affects more than others. Alison HarveyBerkeley California University operates a sleep and mood clinic.

People West edge It will be time zone feel This influence has more effects because the sun rises later in this community. For example, the sun rises from Boston on Monday. 7:04 AM EDT. However, the sun does not occur on the other side of the Eastern time zone in the color faces of Michigan. 8: 2 am EDT.

Harvey says that people with depression and bipolar disorders are particularly vulnerable because they have difficulty in maintaining regular sleep schedules.

“Sleep pushes our mood around,” she says. “Of course, sleep and mental health problems are carried out together.”

Teens are also spending a rough week. At the beginning of puberty, the rhythm of the one -day cycle changes, and our body is tired and wakes up much later than most of the school starts. As a result, there are already many young people Sleep deprivationIf you wake up an hour ago, you will get tired.

Harvey warned that next week, some young people could collide with their parents or get worse at school.

In addition to increasing health and safety risks, some people see the world can be distorted this week. According to the study, we are small Generous And make it Determine investment decision During the first week of sunlight saving. The federal judge is likely to be I publish a harsh sentence Monday after changing time.

So how to adapt to time change?

To adjust, we need to help the symphony of the one -cycle clock to sync new time as soon as possible.

Like adapting to jet delay, you can adjust it using an external signal that resets the internal clock, including light exposure, exercise, and even what we eat and drink.

Perhaps the most powerful of these signals is the light. When you wake up, this bright light exposure is time to be awake, so go out of the morning sun. Hasler says that this must be in natural light for more than 20 minutes to be effective.

But Harvey says that all the amounts can be helpful. If the alarm is still dark, Harvey suggests that Harvey will turn on all the lights in the house and signal to the brain from that day. Nevertheless, the external light is much brighter on cloudy days. So, as soon as the sun comes up, arrive outdoors.

Also exercise Suggestion in the study Physical activity can improve sleep. According to some studies on one -day rhythm and exercise, physical activity can be another signal that the internal clock can be reset. It was found in recent clinical trials Morning exercise Or early in the afternoon can help you push the rhythm into the previous schedule.

Look at alcohol and caffeine intake. Do not rely on alcohol while drinking Low quality. You can also use more frequent cannabis It interferes with sleep. And cut the coffee in the afternoon -Caffeine has a long half -life and may be in the system until bedtime.

It may be difficult to go to bed early, so watch your daily life and keep your sleep hygiene. Harvey turned off the phone and other disturbances and went to bed early.

Also, do not stress about not taking a break. Harvey says that it can be harder to fall asleep. Most of us must return to normal within a week or two weeks, so be patient to ourselves and others.

“Human sleep system is a flexible system, and we all will survive this.

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