Aspirin can help prevent cancer from spreading, and scientists think they have found out why.
Researchers at the University of Cambridge said aspirin could strengthen the immune system and prevent cancer cells from metastasis. nature. When cancer cells escape from the tumor, everything depends on it. As can be seen in this study, cancer cells said, “It is vulnerable to immune attacks because it is deprived of the highly immunosuppressive micro -environment found in the established tumor.”
Researchers Cambridge UniversityAspirin can reduce the coagulation factor known as the throm bakan A2 (txa2). However, the side effect of the coagulation factor is that it causes a protein called Arhgef1. Protein can inhibit cancer fighting immune cells known as T cells.
If you stop the coagulation factor, it will stop the protein that blocks T-cells, and Dr. JIE YANG, the first author of this study, Cambridge University Pathology, is called “Eureka moment.”
“We did not know the meaning of our discovery in understanding aspirin’s anti -meta activities,” said Yang.
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But the author of this study warns of cancer patients who start aspirin therapy without talking to a doctor. as Mayo Clinic Note, the use of aspirin every day can increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. However, I hope that research and patients who can benefit from aspirin treatment, which can be used more widely and cheaper than immunotherapy and other treatments in London, London, hopes to show some patients.
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YANG said, “Aspirin or other drugs that can be aimed at this path may be cheaper than antibody -based therapy.