- Leah Wei avoided the gym because it felt that the exercise was an exercise for achieving a specific body type.
- She realized that she was missing her health benefits, so she tried to relationship with exercise.
- Wei thinks that moving every day is an opportunity to have a good time and see a friend.
Leah Wei, a 27 -year -old Youtuber, headquartered in New York, found that at the age of 30, when she found that her body began to lose muscle mass, she knew she had to overcome the fear of exercise.
She told Business Insider that she swore in the gym because she had a negative connection with the exercise a few years ago. These saw the image of the Victoria’s Secret model and the magazine.
Wei felt like an exercise was forced to look like a specific way, WEI said. When she did not see the aesthetic results that she promised to have a fitness influence, it felt bad about her body.
To preserve her self -esteem, Wei decided to give up exercise and accept the body as it is. “I didn’t want to have a relationship with my body with movement,” she said.
But over time, she realized that she missed the benefits of exercise. Her neck and shoulders were sitting on the screen all day and full, I felt helpless in the colder moon, and I found that I was old and maintained important muscles to maintain mobile.
In January 2023, WEI decided that it was time to do another work. But this time I wanted to prioritize it, not how it was sustainable and how it felt.
Now she exercises every day and goes to class or hits the gym. Because she truly enjoys it. She shared three ways to make it with joy.
Leah Wei now goes to the gym twice a week. Leaway
1) Reconstructed by ‘exercise’ with ‘movement’
Wei thinks about moving his body as an opportunity to move, and he likes to leave his laptop and have fun.
“This is the brand of the brand. This is a really fun part of your day and my favorite.”
She does not have a strict daily life or schedule, but decides what kind of movement you will move every day according to your mood. She is a member of the rock climbing gym, which provides a variety of classes from classic to aviation yoga and circus technology, and often attempts new activities.
Wei compared a new attitude toward going to the playground as a child. “Oh,” Oh, I have to go out for rest because I improve my sleep or increase my metabolism. Because it’s fun, you are just there, “she said.
Wei also has a gymnasium in her building, where she aims to take a train with a free weight twice a week.
2) Marriage with socialization
Wei makes it more fun when you exercise with your friend. Wei said.
She persuaded three friends to join her rock climbing gym, and in general, they went together or collided with each other at least once a week. “I think you are motivating you if all your friends are rising,” she said.
And it means she exercises and meets loved ones at the same time.
“I would like to hit my friend and go on Friday night, Sunday or Saturday morning?
Wei compared her rock climbing gym to an adult playground. Leaway
3) Sign up to the gym where you want to spend time every day
Wei’s gym has a big window and a beautiful view, and she says that it helps to build a habit almost every day because it is a space that likes to spend time.
“I want to go there every day if I invest in a space where I really welcome and warm,” she said.
This studio tends to be more expensive than the basic gym, but Wei is pleased to spend money in this way.
“I don’t care about makeup, clothing or wallet. But I have it worth,” she said.