Washington (Gray DC) -AN AARP Public Policy Research Institute I found it in the spotlight report The average price of 25 Medicare Part D Drugs, which is not included in the current Medicare drug price negotiations, increased by 98%.
Emergency doctors, Greg Mears, understood the importance of quality medical care and experienced the burden of increasing prescription costs.
Mears said, “But what we see is that the pharmaceutical company is not based on the cost of developing drugs. “Price is set according to changes in life. The cost of life per life saved benefits. ”
that AARP Over the years, especially Medicare Part D.
Leigh Purvis, with the AARP prescription drug policy, said she is very concerned about higher prices.
“Unfortunately, what we were listening and AARP was so involved in this problem, there are people who need to choose from the prescription drugs and food or lease,” she said.
The report found that in 2022, 7 million users cost nearly $ 50 billion.
This result emphasizes why Purvis feels. How to reduce inflation in 2022 Very important. that It includes provisions designed to fight high prescription costs..
This provision allows Medicare to negotiate the price of certain high -cost prescription drugs. 10 people have already been chosen It must be added every year.
Purvis said, “Unfortunately, I have a lot of stories from people who contacted me because I am struggling to handle prescription drugs. And our position was that no one had to make such a type of decision.
He said that when the law was enforced, the first negotiation price would be in 2026.
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