Publication: March 10, 2025
This new study provides another reason for your child to stop the screen.
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Recent studies have shown a problem between excessive screen time and child’s symptoms.
A study published by Springer Link, Establish “Initial adolescence and highlights (ED) screen use, video game use, and screens time as a potential mediator and an important prospective relationship between symptoms of mania.”
“The use of problems with problems can be subject to mental health prevention and early intervention among youth.”
The study shared that the daily screen time caused higher symptoms for three years in the first year of the study. In addition, young people who spent more time on the screen were more likely to have symptoms.
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JASON NAGATA, a senior researcher at the study, said that the use of screens, especially video games and social media platforms, will stimulate the brain to give users the immediate satisfaction of revealing the neurological paths.
“This platform can use a reinforcement strategy that increases dopamine emissions to increase sensitivity to compulsive use and compensation. Explained.
In an interview with Nagata’s Medical Xpress Sayed“Adolescence is a particularly vulnerable time for the development of bipolar spectrum disorders. Considering that early onset of symptoms is more serious and related to chronic consequences, it is important to understand that it can contribute to the development or worsening of teenagers’ symptoms. ”
Another author of this study, Kyle Ganson, added: “This study emphasizes the importance of growing healthy screen use habits early. Future research can help you understand the behavior and brain mechanisms that help you inform the prevention and intervention by linking the use of screens with symptoms. ”
NAGATA recommended that parents suggested a “media plan” that limits children’s screen time and specifies the home screen free period.