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Ozempic movement? How to provide food for new athletes and trainers

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A 52-year-old woman is watching a training circuit by a 52-year-old woman at SurfCore Fitness, a boutique gym for SurfCore Fitness and Mid-City at 10 am Friday. The fashion consultant, which is squeezed in the session before working, performs a simple movement to increase the strength while increasing the light weight and simply exercise. 6 pounds of kettlebells, biceps, biceps curls in 10 pounds.

You will not guess it. But this is the latest exercise craze. It is called the Ozempic movement.

GLP-1 drug We have helped millions of people like Wegovy, Ozempic, Zepbound and Mounjaro. Combat Type 2 Diabetes And cardiovascular disease and Spill. The GLP-1 receptor agent (GLP-1 receptor agent) has been used as a diabetes drug for 20 years. Popularity as a tool for weight loss after FDA WEGOVY approved 2021 weight management.

But these drugs also made new challenges. They often lose weight loss A Reduction of dry body mass This includes muscles, making people physically weak. GLP-1 drugs signal to the brain and tell people to feel less calories, and people often work with calorie deficiency. Dr. Martha Gulati, head of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, says that if the doctor does not supervise properly, it can cause nutritional deficiency and reduce energy for exercise. Then it is more difficult to exercise the strength they need to reclaim the lost muscles.

Gulati said, “Depending on the drug, people can lose 25% -50% of the body.

Read more: Microdosing ozempic? The reason why some people are doctors as a weight loss drug

This is where the GLP-1 movement begins, which is to help patients build and preserve muscle mass by setting priority of strength exercise for the heart. It often integrates education on nutrition and recovery technology to help participants develop new and healthy lifestyles to prevent weight gain when they leave GLP-1 drugs. Hashtag last year #Ozempicorkout and # GLP1TRA The GLP-1 movement was promoted with Tiktok and Instagram. gymto Blog and Youtube Personal trainer account.

Personal trainers guide a client young woman as a LAT pool down practice on the machine.

The trainer, Mike Kimani, guides the customer, Jessica Bunge, with the GLP-1 exercise at Atwater’s LM Fitness Center. (Juliana Yamada/Los Angeles Times)

High -end fitness chain Equinox is a “GLP-1 protocol” In January 2024, since then, 80 clubs have been released internationally. Planet Fitness is posted on the GLP-1 exercise guidelines. Blog. Los Angeles’ independent gym, such as Surfcore Fitness, promotes the GLP-1 movement. InstagramCarlos sosa says, “To go ahead of the curve.” Personal trainers are also involved in trends. Exercise influenza and trainer Chris Ryan debuted GLP-1 Movement Series In his fitness app that includes live and on -demand routines this month.

“There is a risk of losing functional intensity, bone density, and metabolic health if a fitness professional does not apply approach to these drugs for these drugs.” Fitness Business ASSN. “So we’re seeing a very fast response from the industry to offset this danger.”

The strength training system of beginners is not new. Rather, it was re -packed for a new fitness audience.

“This is just marketing Shawn M. ArentProfessor and Chairman of the University of Carolina University. “We may have to consider the lack of energy (part of the GLP-1 athlete). But from the point of view of the general guidelines for resistance training, there is nothing special about the GLP-1 movement. At the end of the day, it’s just a resistance training. But it’s not sexy. ”

The woman uses a squat rack in the gym.

Jessica Bunge uses squatracks during the GLP-1 exercise in the LM Fitness Center. (Juliana Yamada/Los Angeles Times)

Nevertheless, everyday seems to stay here. About 6%of the US adults say they are taking GLP-1 drugs to lose weight. 2024 Polls San Francisco -based health policy non -profit organization KFF. It is more than 15 million people. With these brand movements, fitness facilities and trainers are citing new kinds of consumers.

Read more: It is the most suitable survival of the brand to participate in the Ozempic weight loss industry.

Trends have a ripple effect on organizations that manage certification programs for fitness trainers. that National Sports Medicine Academy and American Movement Council We are currently providing GLP-1 training. that National Movement and Sports Trainer ASSN. Debuted “GLP-1 exercise certificate” In January, it was promoted as a “successful passport” of the trainer.

Promoting such a movement, regardless of whether this GLP-1 movement is innovative, helps to build a community among those who use drugs. Eric DourSanta Barbara-based motor physiologist Nesta’s GLP-1 certification program has been written.

Durak said, “This is to change the way people’s thinking and lifestyle. “Some may be those who are unacceptable by society because they weigh more than 300 pounds. We want to take them to the door and create a space that feels like a community rather than a training center. The trainer’s job exceeds the set and the person in charge. It is also to develop relationships. ”

Gymnasiums and trainers are approaching GLP-1 exercise with other priorities in mind. Some focus on customer education on nutrition and advise to eat more protein and monitor a lot of nutrients. Others emphasize after -exercise strategies such as guide stretching, sleeping optimization and tracking tools for monitoring muscle mass maintenance.

One woman works with a trainer at the gym.

MIKE KIMANI extends the customer Jessica Bunge after performing GLP-1 exercise at the LM Fitness Center. (Juliana Yamada/Los Angeles Times)

Equinox’s GLP-1 protocol is considered to be a framework that deals with frameworks, motor strengths, frequency and quantities (how many representatives in charge) for those taking drugs and dealing with powerful habits.

Ward said, “We are talking about lifestyle when we do this. We help them to explore food and understand them full. And how to do so in a long -term and sustainable way. “

Read more: Sit down. Help this fast exercise routine at your desk.

~ Surfing Core fitnessSOSA is directly contacted with the customer’s doctor, he said.

“Doctors are sending people here. ‘If you do not exercise (GLP-1) will not give the drug. So I talk to a doctor about what their needs are, certain drugs, doses, side effects and other health problems. ” “I reassure them that my movement will solve their needs.”

One of SOSA’s customers, a 52 -year -old fashion consultant, went to Mounjaro in March and lost 40 pounds. But she saw the decrease in triceps and legs. The SOSA helped her body composition of the GLP-1 movement and gained confidence by contacting a doctor.

“She feels comfortable to exercise with me, especially because she knows what her request is medicalally,” he says.

A woman squats in the gym.

Jessica Bunge takes a dumbbell squat during the GLP-1 exercise. (Juliana Yamada/Los Angeles Times)

GLP-1 training system La Athletic Club, Downtown especially focuses on the side effects of the drug and adjusts the exercise to alleviate it. We partnered with San Diego County Chek InstituteHeld a workshop for trainers. They now be careful not to switch to the movement to the position where high-dose GLP-1 drugs can cause dizziness, so that they do not underestimate or sit down. The longer and more intense exercise can increase the stomach problem such as nausea or stomach discomfort, so the trainer focuses on consistent and moderately intense exercise.

“The last thing we want to do is to push too hard. Ed gemdjian. “We want to continue to consist of them after working at their comfort.”

Read more: Strength exercise can be the key to life. How to keep it safe according to age

Mike Ki ManiWorking independent trainer LM Fitness Center In the Atwater, his GLP-1 movement is especially data-oriented.

Kimani said, “The whole exercise becomes choreography, takes time to T and loses muscles. He requires GLP-1 drug customers to take a physical scan every 2-4 weeks.

“We are not just guessing. We feel good, but what does data mean? We are trying to track muscle growth. ”

Kimani’s customer, Jessica Bunge (37), went to Ozempic in June as a diabetes. She was never a serious exercise. The gym says “intimidating place.” But she lost more than 30 pounds in the drug changer.

“I don’t feel it anymore. I feel more confident here now.” She says, “I train twice a week. And it has been a great help. I feel stronger even on the stairs.”

The view of the GLP-1 movement may be different, but the trainer interviewed for this story is one of the key things.

“Ultimately, we are looking for people who can create new healthy habits and improve their lives. “You have to start somewhere.”

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This story originally appeared Los Angeles Times.

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