measles, Diseases that are contagious and preventable It is considered to have been removed from the United States in the first and four centuries, but now It spreads in at least two states. Here are some answers to the disease, from the general question about the disease, and the durability of vaccination.
cue: What is measles and why are we listening to it now?
no way: The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies measles One of the most infectious diseasesIt kills up to three of the world’s thousands of children around the world. The disease can be prevented after US researchers develop the vaccine in 1963. In 2000, measles were considered to have been removed from the United States, but sometimes events and onset were influenced by those who were not vaccinated. Currently occurs in Texas and New Mexico.
On March 6, a person who has not been vaccinated in New Mexico He died in measles. Children in the school year without vaccinations in West Texas Last month, he died of a virus.
Texas State Health Bureau (Texas State Health Department It is near a person with a public illness. The Rube Ola virus, which causes measles, can remain for up to two hours in the air.
cue: What is the symptoms of measles and when does it appear?
no way: Disease Control and Prevention Center Measles symptoms (more than 104 degrees of fever, coughing, runny nose and red eyes appear within 14 days of infection. Next is a small white “Coplet Spot“On the inside of the mouth, starting from the hairline and spreading the body.
Medical complications include pneumonia, hearing impairment, blindness, encephalitis (brain edema) and Oh, acute hardened panencephalitisProgressive nervous system disease. Children under 5 years of age, adults aged 20 or older, pregnant women and chemotherapy and immunomers such as leukemia or HIV are the most vulnerable to complications.
cue: What is the vaccine requirements?
no way: There are no federal requirements for measles, pandemic subcrespation and rubella (MMR) shots. In all 50 states, some forms of measles are performed Before children enter child care or public schools. Some of the same week TexasAllow exemption from vaccination for religious and personal beliefs. California has been exempted from similar exemptions. It was removed in 2016.
CDC recommended measles vaccination includes two feet with 12-15 months and 4-6 years old. There is a dose together 97% effect About measles infection. In contrast, people who are not vaccinated are represented. 94% of the 222 measles in the United States this year One out of five people who are not vaccinated with measles require hospitalization.
However, these statistics did not interfere with continuous anti-vaccination exercises extended during the Covid-19 Pandemic. member Texas and Numerous other states Continue the bill to dismantle daily vaccination in public health policy.
February meeting Advisory Committee on CDC’s vaccination practices I received an indefinite act and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The US Health Secretary is suffering from skepticism and confusion about the vaccine.
cue: Is it okay to get vaccinations as recommended? Isn’t MMR vaccine good for life?
no way: According to Dr. Monica Gandhi, an epidemic doctor of UC San Francisco, MMR vaccination or natural immunity lasts for a lifetime after measles infection.
But Gandhi said there was no way to test it when there was no disease. “We didn’t have an 80 -year -old boy in the middle of 2025,” she said.
cue: Born in 1957 and before 1957, should it be presumed that immunity was estimated from a wide range of infections of the pre -vaccination era?
no way: Gandhi said that if people who are vaccinated decades ago are living near the onset, they are 65 years of age or older, or especially for the first time, they should consider measles boosters.
Yale School of Medicine recommends that you are in danger People were vaccinated before 1968 (57 years old or older) may want a new shot because it has received less effective doses than the standard vaccine.
cue: Should people work in childcare or early education get a booster?
no way: Gandhi said it depends on the level of local risk. Vaccination rate More kindergarten It has fallen less than 95% of previously recommended (and currently in California) for immunity.
cue: Children can be vaccinated before the schedule, and can the gap between the two doses be shorter?
no way: Gandhi said the first dose can be given to infants under 1 year old. They must be separated by two more doses of MMR vaccine or two more measles of the measles, which are separated for more than 28 days, or the first birthday or after that. I have a CDC Additional guidelines for infants traveling internationally.
cue: Is there anyone who is not safe for vaccination?
no way: Gandhi said that people with severe immunity and pregnant women should not receive live vaccines. If you are exposed to measles, you will receive this population. Immunoglobulin -protein antibody The immune system helps to fight harmful formulations.
cue: Kennedy As an alternative to measles, vitamin A and Daegu liver oil were promoted. Scientists have discussed these suggestions, but are there a trust in that vitamin A or other nutrients can help reduce the sensitivity of severe measles?
no way: “I want to disregard vitamin A by treatment. Prevention of vaccination is the best way to combat severe measles, ”Gandhi said.
“In the past month, two deaths in this country are very big for preventive infectious diseases. “Losing someone in the family is very big. It is a lifetime tragedy. There is no reason not to get a vaccine. ”
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