- Measles have recently risen in the United States, and more than 200 cases have been reported.
- In light of the recent opinions of the new US Health and Welfare Minister Robert F. Kennedy Jr., more people are looking for vitamin A supplements to treat or prevent measles.
- Medical News answered two medical and public health experts today about general questions about general questions about vitamin A, and answered general questions about supplements for measles and measles that can be taken to prevent the spread of disease.
The United States has recently been experiencing a significant measles to 12 states.
Recent statistics have shown that the recent increase in cases is concentrated around. Western Texas and New Mexico. In addition to occurring in these two states, measles cases have been reported in California, New York and Maryland. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned travelers that they were warned at the beginning of spring vacation..
Measles were traditionally well -controlled infectious diseases and have generated several surges. The United States has experienced two major measles in the last decades.
Robert F. Kennedy JR., Minister of Health and Welfare, USA, Sayed Vitamin A, found in supplements such as Daegu liver oil and supplements such as steroid Budeshony and antibiotics claritromycin, showed “good results” to help measles.
The CDC lists vitamin A as a potential treatment for measles, but the institution still recommends vaccination.
To learn more about measles, whether vitamin A supplements help, what people can do to protect themselves and the community, Today’s medical news Embarriage specialists and pediatricians- Monica GandhiMD, MPH, San Francisco, California University Danelle FisherMD, FAAP, California Santa Monica, Providence St. Jones Health Center’s board certified pediatrician.
“Vitamin A is a local soluble vitamin that helps not only the function of the immune system, but also helps vision. It is found in many common foods, including eggs, cheese, fish, milk, orange and green vegetables. ”Fisher explained.
Both experts said that vitamin A did not provide the same advantage as preventive measures, but the disease itself could cause vitamin A deficiency and make the symptoms worse.
“It helps the immune system, but vitamin A does not help prevent infectious diseases such as measles. When someone has a measles, their bodies can have a vitamin A deficiency. In this state, treatment with two oral dose vitamin A can be helpful, ”said Fisher.
“It is true that severe vitamin A deficiency has resulted in more serious consequences in the past measles. no way Cokrain review Two doses of vitamin A should be provided to children with serious measles (especially children under 2 years old), and the World Health Organization (WHO) is recommended.
Fisher emphasized that the only effective prevention of measles is vaccination.
“(V) Itamine A is used if the patient already has measles and is not a measurement. Therefore, in this era, there are no signs of this era (we get a lot of vitamin A from our diet) to consume vitamin A to prevent measles, ”Gandhi said.
“The best way to prevent measles is to get measles vaccination, especially if you are in the area where you are in the area where you are in West Texas, New Mexico. (if) If you are not vaccinated, children can experience a very severe measles, so let their children get vaccinations. ”
Gandhi said that Daegu liver oil contains vitamin A, vitamin D and fatty acids, making it more complicated.
Fisher said, “Daegu liver oil includes a large amount of vitamin A and vitamin D. They are fat -soluble vitamins that can be accumulated in the body if they eat too much and cause vitamin A toxicity.
Experts think that most people will meet everyday requirements through diets, but some people may need supplements to get daily doses.
“In a country that is rich in resources like the United States, most people can consume daily allowances recommended in diet. Only a certain population has specified some names, including people who have a disease that can interfere with absorption, including early infants or cosmetic diseases. ”
Gandhi warned that eating a lot of vitamin A could damage the body.
She said, “Vitamin A is a ‘fat solubility’ vitamin, which means that if you stay in the body and consumes too high (A), it can cause toxicity (eg, vulnerability of skin and bones, headaches, liver damage, etc.). “
Fisher said, “If people take vitamin A supplements, they must not exceed the daily level according to age (less than 3,000 mcg for adults, less for children).
“If you take too much dosage, vitamin A itself can be harmful. Toxicity can cause symptoms, including nausea, diarrhea, rashes, blurry vision, drowsiness, muscle weakness and other symptoms. People who eat diet with vitamin A do not need regular vitamin A supplements. ”
-Danelle Fisher, MD
US health authorities recommend that young children will receive their first dosage at 12-15 months and the second 4-6 years old.
Meanwhile, children, teenagers and adults who are not vaccinated must receive MMR (measles, pandemic, low -inflammatory, rubella) vaccines once or twice at intervals of more than 28 days.
If you are not sure you have a MMR vaccine, you have only one dosage, or you are not sure if you are vaccinated, experts should talk to your doctor.