The buttocks are the largest muscle group in the human body, so if you want to make it stronger, it is reasonable to use the weight soon.
“We need to change our goals, to make any change,” said Miller Latvala, a personal trainer. Life time Health and fitness club. “You can ask this question to 100 trainers and get 100 different perspectives, but you will agree that training your lower body with most weight is essential for optimal results.”
If you are not used to weight, Latvala suggests starting with kettlebell. “Many people feel threatened by barbells or squat racks. But introducing Kettlebell first can help you feel comfortable,” he said.
I agree. I started training with Kettlebell at home and was with them. I prefer more than any other weight because the center of weight is built in the handle, so I challenge not only for strength but also to balance and adjustment.
I asked Latvala to program beginners for the Kettlebell leg movement. You can move without weight, but Latvala recommends integrating weights as soon as possible. Select the kettlebell that is so heavy that the last few repetitions of each set feel like a challenge.
Kettle Bell Bridge Movement
Miller uses the weight of the kettlebell to perform four sets of four to 15 times for this movement. The goal is difficult to repeat the last 3-5 times of each set, but not impossible.
- Sumo squat
- Goblet squat
- Split
- Romania
work out
1. Sumo squat
Set: 4 manager : 8-15
- The feet are wider than the shoulders width and the toes are facing 45 °, leaving the kettlebell in front of both hands.
- Keep your heel on your ankle, push your butt back and bend your knees, bending your knees until the kettlebell taps the floor lightly.
- Press the heel to extend your legs to start.
2. Goblet squat
Set: 5 manager : 8-15
- Place the weight plate on the floor, place the heel on the plate and place the toe on the floor.
- Place the kettlebell into the chest and hold the side of the handle.
- Keep your spine vertically, push your butt back and bend your knees.
- Start through the ball of the foot and start to start.
- Do not put it on the calf on the floor of the movement, but do not drive the hips forward after passing the knee at the top.
3. Bulgarian split squat
Set: 4 manager : 8-15 each
- Stand in a plio box or bench about two feet away and put it on the floor next to it.
- Place the top of the top on a box or bench and pick up the kettlebell.
- Bend the front knee until the thigh is parallel to the floor, keep your knees over your ankle.
- Press the front foot to extend the front leg.
- After performing all the staff from one side, then switch the side.
4. Dead Lift in Romania
Set: 4 manager : 8-15
- Hold your feet to the side with the weight of the hip width and heel. Latvala said, “You can change your weight closer to the middle of your feet as you start getting a better feeling of movement.
- Push your hips back from the hips to the hinge and lower the kettle bell from the side of the legs, leaving your back in a neutral position.
- The tension stops just before leaving the hamstring and pushes the butt back forward. Do not push the butt on the top of the lift and push forward.