Scientists have found a naturally occurring molecule. AIDS The loss of appetite and weight loss is so good that you can compete with popular GLP-1 agents such as Ozempic.
It is called BRP (brinp2 related peptide) and works By activating certain neurons in the brain GLP-1 (glucagon-similar peptide-1) in a similar way. The difference between the two peptides is the metabolic paths taken to go.
LAETITIA COASSOLO, a pathology researcher at Stanford University, has led the team. Lead the team. Lead the team. It is used to identify 373 proteins for further investigations by designing an AI -based drug discovery program called ‘Peptide Prediction Factor’. In this hay pile, they selected 100 peptides that can induce the kind of brain activity needed to enhance appetite.
One of these was a small BRP molecule consisting of only 12 amino acids.

In the laboratory, the GLP-1 peptide tripled the active markers in human insulin cells, while the growth factor increased similar activity by 10 times in brain cells.
In contrast, BRP has increased more than 10 times active markers in both neurons and insulin producers.
Animal testing in dry mouse mice revealed that injecting BRPs can reduce the amount of food you eat after half in half. It had the same influence on the mini -pyges that metabolism and dining behavior were more similar to humans.
When I received this BRP injection for 14 days in the obesity mouse, I lost an average of 4 grams compared to the control group. And almost all weight loss of weight loss came from body fat, not muscles.
Semaglutide treatment is not only a loss of fat, but also 20 %of the weight lost. This raised questions about the long -term impact of taking drugs such as Ozempic for weight loss, which will only appear on time. For example, further studies are needed to determine whether heart health may have difficulty.
GLP-1 agents can also be provided with other unpleasant side effects. Neo -naive and constipation. Meanwhile, AThe NIMAL test of BRP did not show signs of these side effects or muscle loss because the molecules activate other brain receptors.
“The receptor targeted by Semaglutide is found in the intestines, pancreas and other tissues as well as the brain.” Say Stanford Pathology Researcher Katrin Senson.
“So Ozempic has a wide range of impacts, slowing down the movement of food through the digestive tract and lowering blood sugar levels.”
BRP, on the other hand, acts at the hypothalamus, which is an appetite and metabolic center of the brain, and activates completely different metabolism and nerve paths to Semaglutide.
Whether or not to be released in the market depends on how the molecules are performed in the human body, and Svensson’s company will soon investigate the clinical trial.
A lot of money is being made to develop drugs to treat obesity, and the market is expected to increase. Scientists predict that four out of five Americans will be obese or overweight by 2050.
If it is proven to be safe and effective, BRP is increasingly crowded peptide -based weight loss drugs and Ozempic, Wegovy and Tir Jiper Side.
Svensson Say.
“Nothing has been tested before, and there is no comparison with Semaglutide’s appetite and weight loss. We want to learn if (BRP) is safe and effective to humans.”
This study has been published nature.