In adults, obesity rate has more than doubled and four times in adolescents. Since 1990It is the main cause of non -communication diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, nervous system disorders, chronic respiratory diseases and digestive disorders. If the global health crisis increases, effective obesity treatment is required to reduce the burden on the medical system.
Semaglutide, a better -known drug per week, was first approved for diabetes, but since then, it has changed the weight loss industry. However, muscle loss, not side effects such as nausea and reducing target fat, can prevent long -term use or prevent some individuals from starting treatment.
Now, researchers at Stanford Medicine have confirmed the natural molecules that appear to imitate the effect of Semaglutide but avoid these shortcomings. study It has been published recently nature. This discovery can open an alternative approach to weight control.
Small molecule, big influence
This study used artificial intelligence to find new bio -active compounds and screened human protein fragments that were not characterized more than 2,600. This method is more efficient than a traditional approach that uses the same technology as a mass analysis to manually separate proteins and peptides in tissues.
Using this AI drive strategy, the team confirmed a small peptide consisting of only 12 amino acids, a building block of protein, and named it IT Brinp2 related peptides (BRP). They are encoded by genetic sequences that focus on proteins interacting with enzymes related to human obesity and can be biologically activated in the brain.
“The algorithm was absolutely the key to our discovery. press release.
Testing new molecules in mouse and small pigs shows that you inject food intake up to 50 %. The treated obese mouse has experienced significant weight loss (mainly in the province) with improved glucose and insulin resistance compared to the control group. This effect was similar to the effect of Semaglutide processing.
Read more: Meet AI scientists to change research forever
The new molecule is directly targeted at the brain
Semaglutide works by imitating GLP-1, a hormone that helps to control blood sugar levels and appetite.
Further physiological and brain activity studies have shown that BRP activates metabolism and neuron paths that are distinguished from those caused by GLP-1 or Semaglutide. Instead of stimulating the same receptor, BRP appears to be a target of different neurons in the brain and offers a more accurate mechanism for weight loss.
Svensson said, “The receptors targeted by Semaglutide are found in the intestines, pancreas and other tissues as well as the brain. “This is why Ozempic has a wide range of impacts, such as slowing digestion and lowering blood sugar levels. In contrast, BRP seems to be specifically in the hypothalamus that controls appetite and metabolism. ”
Additional behavioral studies between mice and pigs have not changed much in behavior or feces production such as exercise, water intake, anxiety, between the treated animals. This suggests that BRP can avoid common side effects related to current weight loss drugs.
The new competitor of Ozempic and Wegovy?
Svensson said in a statement, “It has been a problem for decades that the lack of effective drugs to treat human obesity. “The previous test was not compared with Semaglutide’s appetite and weight loss ability. We want to learn whether it is safe and effective for humans. ”
As the study progresses, the team is trying to gain a deeper understanding of the molecular path that the accurate receptor BRP interacts and affects. In addition, they are seeking strategies to improve the stability of BRP in the body, which allows them to make a long -lasting effect and more convenient dosing schedules if molecules can survive for human weight management.
Overall, this study introduces a promising method of identifying new biological active proteins and provides hope for BRP’s future pharmacological applications in weight management therapy.
Read more: Ozempic and other GLP-1 have a wider range of health benefits, but are more risk.
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Jenny is excellent for translating complex scientific concepts, from medical innovation and pharmacological discoveries to the latest nutrition after working as a biotechnology research assistant in three labs in three countries. Her interests are expanded to topics such as human evolution, psychology and quirky animal stories. If she is not immersed in a popular science book, she will find a wave that catches Vancouver Island on her long board.