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If the Medicaid tax deduction is not updated, the CT can lose 600 jobs.

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Connecticut can see the loss of jobs if Congress does not re -approve the ACA (Affordable Care Act) tax deduction. Medicaid, but still still better than most states. Recent analysis By federal fund.

Commonwealth Fund is a non -profit organization that promotes a high -performance fair health care system that increases better approaches, quality and efficiency for the most vulnerable people of society, including colored people, low -income people and people without insurance.

According to the analysis, almost 600 people will lose their jobs in Connecticut if the tax deduction is not re -approved. The analysts estimate that 286,000 jobs will be lost nationwide. This estimation includes jobs lost in the medical and other industries.

“Ending tax deductions will not only increase the cost of consumers, but also reduce the staircase of economic activities.” News summary About research status. “Insurers receive less subsidies, so they can reduce their payments for hospitals, doctors, pharmacies and other providers. As a result, medical employment can reduce jobs and spending, which can lead to job losses expected throughout the industry, such as retail, real estate and manufacturing. ”

The most difficult state, according to the stock price analysis that has not expanded Medicaid on its own, claims. The Commonwealth Fund team believes that if the tax deduction is not renewed, it will have the most difficulties. This list did not contain Connecticut.

For many years, the state has expanded its Medicade program, but many claim that the change has not been enough.

2019 GOV. NED Lamont has signed a contract to guarantee the hospital. 2%increase Until 2026. Nevertheless, the hospital is with Medicade every year. INSIDE Investigator was reported by Medicare Payments. This year, the Connecticut Hospital Association (CHA) called Lamont’s budget as “a deadly budget for hospitals, manpower and patients.”

State auditor when the legislative session begins Sean Scanlon proposed a hike of medical service providers. democrats It is advocating the cause.

Doctors and medical professionals are made nationwide Quite small When treating patients with Medicaid, compared with personal insurance patients. In some cases, commercial insurance pays 90% more than Medicaid.

Many medical associations, including the CHA and the Connecticut Dental Association, have demanded higher repayment rates for legislative sessions.

The Connecticut Health Policy Project estimates that the Connecticut requires 5,700 by 2028. More suppliers In five important areas. Many medical service providers say they can’t make a living when the repayment rate is too low. This is especially true for providers who treat Medicaid patients and operate in low -income areas.

In 2024, more than 830,000 people Renewal or maintain According to the Connecticut Social Welfare Department (DSS), the Children’s Health Insurance Program (Chip) in the state Medicaid plan, aka husky or state.

According to the estimates, according to a fraudulent purpose or claim between 3% and 10% of all medical expenditures (National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association)Nhcaa). As a result, millions of dollars are stolen in the lowlands and more than $ 300 billion.

his Supplied budgetLamont recommended that the company would increase the total funding for the repayment of Medicaid over the next three years. January, after the president Donald Trump Democrats proposed Support for repayment of more than $ 250 million for four years.

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