As measles expanded in Texas West Texas, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a minister of health and welfare on Tuesday, cheered for some non -traditional treatments, including Daegu, but Americans did not urge vaccination again.
Kennedy said in a pre -recorded interview on Fox News that the federal government is transporting vitamin A to Gaines County, the epicenter of the outbreak, and preparing to ride an ambulance.
HHS officials said they had previously shipped a flood-lover vaccine, which had previously been measles in Texas, but Kennedy did not discuss vaccination.
Texas doctors saw “very good results.” Kennedy insisted on measles with steroids and Budessony. Antibiotics called Claritromycin; Daegu liver oil has a high level of vitamin A and vitamin D.
While doctors sometimes administer a amount of vitamin A to treat children with serious measles, Daegu liver oil is not evidence -based treatment, said Dr. Sean O’Leware, chairman of the US Pediatrics Academy on epidemics.
O’Leary added that he had never heard of a doctor using a supplement to measles.
Kennedy said in a commentary, which seems to mention the existing measures on measles, “We will actually be honest with Americans for the first time in history, all of our tests and all studies, what we know, what we do not know.”
“We will tell them, and it will be angry with those who want an ideological approach to public health.”
In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that it would send some of the “Detective Detective” to Texas to strengthen the efforts to regain the virus on Tuesday.
According to data released by state health officials on Tuesday, the onset has no signs of slowing.
The Texas Ministry of Health has reported that about 160 people have contracted measles since the end of January.
This news comes from the criticism of federal officials who underestimate the need for vaccination with measles-pump lubela vaccines, one of the most important tools for suppressing the onset.
The dimension of the outbreak of killing a child is unclear. Katherine Wells, director of Texas Rubuck, said that the official case number of Texas is probably the class.
The outbreak spread largely within the Menonite community of the Gainz County, and historically had a low vaccination rate and often avoided interaction with the health care system.
Wells believed that she had not received medical attention to measles and was not explained in the official number of the Lord.
“I think it’s probably hundreds of people,” she said. “We know that some of their schools have been closed with sick children, but I don’t know who they are.”
Last year, about 82%of the county kindergarten population received measles vaccines. Experts say more than 95% of the community must be vaccinated to prevent the onset.
The decrease in vaccination rate in the United States has been raising a vulnerable child’s pocket, which is more likely to jump from a group that has not been vaccinated to another group.
Only 93 percent of kindergarten students nationwide received measles, falls, and rubella vaccines in 2023-24, and fell from 95%before infectious diseases.
“We have received great benefits as Americans because of the fact that this community is hidden,” said Harvard than School of Public Health School.
“One of them can no longer benefit in this space, so you can ignite all cases.”
In Texas, measles cases were confirmed in nine counties, and many of them are more vaccinated than federal recommendations.
According to recent data, about 80%of kindergarten students in one of the neighboring terry county’s public school districts were vaccinated. The county reported 22 measles in Tuesday.
New Mexico’s county, Gainz County, reported nine measles.
Most measles cases are solved in a few weeks, but in rare cases, viruses cause pneumonia, making it difficult for patients, especially children to eat oxygen with lungs. Or swelling that can lead to blindness, hearing impairment and intellectual disorders.
According to the CDC, about one out of five measles will be hospitalized.
Viruses are also weakened in the long run, which is more vulnerable to future infections. In 2015, measles may have been responsible for half of all infectious diseases in children before the MMR vaccine was widely used.