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Pediatrics walk on delicate lines with parents in measles vaccination discussion.

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One mother told a pediatrician that he is skipping four months of four months. This is because he was afraid to catch measles in the doctor’s office before the baby was vaccinated. Other parents say they are refusing to inoculate a one -year -old boy because they don’t want to “experiment”.

The recent discussions about Alex CVIJANOVICH’s promotional vaccination have been struggling and more difficult since the infectious virus has begun to create a national headline.

CVIJANOVICH, a spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics, said, “I’m willing to be willing to give it. “But those who dig the heel are more disappointing.”

As the number of viruses increases and the US records its first measles in 10 years, the pediatrician is in a dilemma. How do they sincerely convey the seriousness of the virus to the vaccine Spanish parents and to immune the newborns, but still unable to do it?

According to six doctors from West Virginia to Washington, it is a delicate balance adjustment. Measles, fluorally low salt and rubella vaccinations have a certified performance for high infectious diseases, and two -capacity shots have 97% effective for measles. According to the disease control and prevention center. Decades Research shows that it is safe. He refuted false claims that they were related to autism.

So far, measles have been concentrated in Texas West. However, vaccine hesitation, which has risen for many years and accelerated among cobid epidemics. And now wrong information about the vaccine is spreading. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. led a large -scale antivacin advocacy organization last month before becoming a health and human service officer. Shortly after his confirmation, Kennedy sweared to investigate the vaccine schedule as a child who prevented dangerous diseases such as measles.

Pediatricians feel a lot of fear from both parents and those who do not trust vaccinations, and they are worried that the anxiety of both sides will cause confusion to interfere with public health effort. Last month, the death of a child who was not vaccinated in Texas was not enough to shake to exempt his children, and pediatricians worryed that more children would get sick.

Dr. Lesley Motheral, a pediatrician in Texas, said, “This is still snowball. “We still have a lot to do and I am very honest with you.”

that CDC is recommended In the 4-6 -year -old 1 and the second shooting, the first MMR shot is managed. If infants travel to measles or travel to known areas, pediatricians can administer their dosage early six months early.

Most children in the United States were vaccinated by MMR according to the schedule and almost 93%of them were shot by kindergarten. According to CDC.

However, in Texas West, where measles occur, at least 159 casesThe vaccination rate is quite low. In Gainz County, the epicenter of the onset, the immunity exemption rate was more than 17% in the 2023-2024th grade. Health data.

Experts say that at least 95%of the community must be vaccinated to protect measles.

Dr. Christina Hermos, the head of pediatric infectious diseases and immunology at Umass Memorial Children’s Medical Center, said, “We rely on immunity to measles. “Measles are so infectious that only one person can fly or travel to the area to give non -immunizers.”

Respiratory viruses spread quickly because they are transmitted through liquid enemies that can stay on the air or UP surface. 2 hoursInfected people do not have to remain in the room to contaminate others. Measles can cause tele rash, but infected individuals can spread the virus four days before the rash appears.

Measles also cause heat, red eyes and water. It can lead to complications In pneumonia or rare cases, brain damage and death. About 1-3 people who receive measles will die of respiratory and neurological complications. CDC says.

USA He declared that measles were removed in 2000Even if it has been reported since then.

Pediatricians are now concerned that this country can slide back to isolation efforts. Kennedy, in particular, has long criticized his vaccination for a long time.

As the onset of measles developed under his surveillance, he did not urge a wide range of vaccinations. Draw IRE From health professionals and politicians. at OP-ED has been posted on the Fox News website.He calls a decision to vaccinate “personal person” and “All parents need to consult a medical service provider to understand the options for getting MMR vaccines.”

Dr. Elizabeth Meade, a Seattle pediatrician, said that it is “tremendous” to leave the vaccine sports as a vaccine secretary as a vaccine secretary.

Meade, a pediatrician spokesman in the United States, said, “I don’t think there is a risk of such a disease among Americans, especially if you do not travel outside the United States. “Unfortunately, it is not true.”

Some parents who once supported vaccinations have changed since then.

Hermos, a pediatric professor at Umass Chan Medical School, is not only an infectious doctor, but said, “There are tremendous smart people coming in. “Their children have a complete vaccination record, and they are scheduled for the following, and they are convinced that they can make a decision between two potentially harmful to their children.

Dr. Morgantown, West Virginia, Dr. Lisa Costello, a pediatrician, found that it would be helpful to acknowledge what they had in common with vaccine parents.

Costello, a pediatric assistant professor at West Virginia University, said, “Everyone is from a space where children try to do their best to love their loved ones, and it is a problem to talk and share in our medical literature.

However, some parents of newborns are not afraid of fear that a small baby, who is too young to get an MMR shot, may be dangerous because other parents of training may not be vaccinated regularly.

Doctors said that if they are too young to be vaccinated, such as asking their children to be vaccinated by adults who are vaccinated, they can take measures to protect their children if they are too young to be vaccinated. All children who are eligible for vaccinations are in the daycare center to see if they are vaccinated. And no one who is not sick recently. They also encouraged them to bring early vaccinations with pediatricians.

Dr. Steven Abelowitz, a medical officer at the marine pediatric department of Orange County, California, said, “There are people who want to get it earlier than the recommended schedule. “It’s okay to be 6 months later, but check your insurance and not in your pocket.”

In Texas, Motheral said her local health department provides free MMR vaccinations. She hopes to agree with more people to receive them.

“It’s so sad that the disease we once felt has been eradicated in this country and it still must still remain.” “There are too many deaths about measles.”

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