We were waiting for the repetition and we got it this week. 2025 Crossfit Open 25.2 Movement is a repetition of 22.3.
Living in Crossfit Encendia in Fiolia, Arizona, he said that the 25.2 open campaign this week was repeated three years ago. It is also the third thing that the thrusters were programmed before the last week of the Crossfit Open.
Where is the other two years? (The answer is at the bottom of this post)
Crossfit Open 25.2 is 22.3.
During time:
21 pullup
42 Double Hunde
21 Thrusters (weight 1)
18 Chest floor pullup
36 double characters
18 Thrusters (Weight 2)
15 bar muscle up
30 double characters
15 Thrusters (weight 3)
♀ 65-LB | 75-LB | 85-LB Babel
♂ 95-LB | 115-LB | 135-LB Babel
Time Cap: 12 minutes
Oh, and the other two years when Thrusters programmed before the last week… 2020 and 2023.